xbesh Built with xBesh
Privacy Policy

It covers every Xbesh website that links here, and all of the products and services contained on those websites. The detailed policy follows the same structure as this summary and constitutes the actual legal document.

Our privacy commitment: Xbesh has never sold your information to someone else for advertising or made money by showing you other people's ads, and we never will. This has been our approach, and we remain committed to it. This policy tells you what information we collect from you, what we do with it, who can access it, and what you can do about it.

Part I – Information Xbesh collects and controls

We only collect the information that we actually need. Some of that is information that you actively provide when you sign up for an account, register for an event, seek customer support, or make a purchase from us. We store your name and contact information, but we do not store credit card numbers unless explicitly permitted and processed through one of our secured payment gateways.

When you visit one of our websites or use our software, we automatically log certain basic information, such as how you accessed the site, your navigation within it, and the features and settings you utilize. This data is utilized to enhance our websites and services and to inform new product development.

Occasionally, we may receive information indirectly. If you inquire about our products through one of our referral programs or reselling partners, or if you sign in to one of our products using authentication services like LinkedIn or Google, they may share your contact information with us. We will use this information to fulfill your request. If you interact with our brand on social media (e.g., by liking, commenting, retweeting, mentioning, or following us), we will have access to your interactions and profile information, even if you subsequently remove it from the social media platform.

What we do with your information

We utilize your information to fulfill the services you have requested, establish and maintain your accounts, and monitor for unauthorized activities. Additionally, we use this information to communicate with you regarding the products you are currently using, address your customer support inquiries, inform you about new products, solicit feedback, and provide updates on our policies. The data we collect is analyzed to comprehend user needs and enhance our websites and services.

We are obligated to establish a legal basis for collecting and processing your information. In most instances, this involves obtaining your consent or demonstrating the necessity of the information to provide the requested service. When neither of these circumstances applies, we must justify our data processing through other legal bases, such as our legitimate business interests.

You have the option to decline certain types of information use either by refraining from providing the information initially or by opting out later. Disabling cookies is also an option to prevent your browser from providing us with information; however, this may affect the proper functioning of certain website features. Notably, we completely disable non-essential and intrusive third-party cookies on all Xbesh websites and products.

Access to your personal information is restricted to our employees and contractors with a legitimate need to use it. When sharing your information with third parties, such as developers, service providers, domain registrars, and reselling partners, we ensure that they implement appropriate security measures and have a valid reason for utilizing your information, typically for service provision.

The European Economic Area (EEA) grants specific rights to data subjects, including access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and the right to object and to lodge complaints. Xbesh commits to providing you with the same rights regardless of your place of residence.

We retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Once there is no longer a legitimate need for processing your information, we will undertake appropriate measures, such as deletion, anonymization, or isolation, as deemed suitable.

Part II – Information that Xbesh processes on your behalf

If you entrust Xbesh with the processing of data through the use of Xbesh , such as information about your customers or employees, or if you utilize an Xbesh Services that grants access to your contacts and photo library, you are entrusting data to us. The data entrusted to us for processing is referred to as service data.

You retain ownership of your service data. We safeguard it, restrict access to it, and process it solely in accordance with your instructions. You have the right to access it, share it through third-party integrations, and request its export or deletion.

We retain the data in your account for as long as you continue to use Xbesh Services. Upon account termination, your data will be automatically removed from our active database within 6 months and from our backups within 3 months thereafter.

If you are located in the European Economic Area and believe that someone has entrusted your information to us for processing (e.g., your employer or a company whose services you use), you can request specific actions regarding your data. To exercise these data rights, please contact the entity or individual that entrusted the data to us, and we will collaborate with them to address your request.

Part III – General

There are certain limitations to the privacy assurances we provide. We may disclose personal information if it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, prevent fraud, enforce an agreement, or safeguard the safety of our users. Currently, we do not acknowledge Do Not Track signals from internet browsers; once a universal standard for processing them is established, we will adhere to it.

Third-party websites and social media widgets operate under their distinct privacy policies. It is advisable to review the pertinent privacy policy before sharing personal information with third parties.

You can always reach out to us to: inquire about our privacy practices, request a GDPR-compliant Data Processing Addendum, notify us if you believe we have collected personal data from a minor, or request the removal of your personal information from our blogs or forums. Additionally, you can refer to our Security Policy and Privacy Policy.

We will notify you of any significant changes to our privacy policy, or in the highly improbable event that we decide to divest our business.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy statement is made by the Xbesh Group consisting of all the entities listed here (collectively, "Xbesh", "we", "us" or "our").

Xbesh’s Privacy Commitment

Xbesh has been dedicated to safeguarding customer and user privacy for years, well in advance of it gaining popularity, becoming politically correct, or being legally mandated to adopt such a stance. We request only the minimal amount of information necessary, collecting only what we deem essential for conducting business or for the specific transaction at hand. We inform customers about the information we hold on them and offer them the option to opt out of specific engagements. Notably, our foremost commitment is that we do not generate any revenue from advertising—this has been our consistent stance, even with the free editions of our products. By doing so, we eliminate the inherent conflict of interest between gathering customer information and generating advertising revenue, thereby avoiding the inevitable compromises in customer privacy.

The objective of this policy is to clearly outline the information we collect, how we intend to use it, and how we will not use it. While this policy is regrettably more extensive than preferred, we must unequivocally address all pertinent scenarios. We strive to maintain simplicity and directness in the language as much as possible.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all Xbesh websites linked to it. It extends to the products and services offered by Xbesh through these websites, and applications posted by Xbesh on Xbesh's online marketplace and in other third-party online marketplaces. This Privacy Policy does not extend to any of our websites, products, or services that are governed by a distinct privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy is divided into three parts:

Part I – Information Xbesh collects and controls

This section pertains to how Xbesh collects and utilizes information concerning website visitors, potential customers, users of Xbesh's products and services, and individuals who reach out to Xbesh through forms or email addresses published on or linked to our websites.

What information Xbesh collects

We gather information about you solely when there is a legitimate purpose for doing so. Xbesh will possess information about you only if (a) you have voluntarily supplied the information, (b) Xbesh has autonomously collected the information, or (c) Xbesh has acquired the information from a third party. The ensuing sections delineate the diverse scenarios encompassed by each of these three categories and elucidate the nature of the information collected in each instance.

Information that you provide us
  • Account signup: When you register for an account to avail yourself of one or more of our services, we request information such as your name, contact number, email address, company name, and country to fulfill the account signup process. Additionally, you will need to select a unique username and password for account access. While you have the option to provide additional information such as your photo, time zone, and language, such information is not mandatory for account registration. Following signup, you may choose a security question and provide an answer for password reset purposes; if provided, these details will be exclusively utilized during the password reset process.

  • Event registrations and other form submissions: We document information provided by you in instances where you (i) enroll for any event, encompassing webinars or seminars, (ii) subscribe to our newsletter or any additional mailing list, (iii) complete a form to download any product, whitepaper, or other materials, (iv) engage in contests or respond to surveys, or (v) submit a form to seek customer support, obtain a quote, or contact Xbesh for any other purpose.

  • Payment processing: In the event of a purchase, we request your name, contact details, and credit card information or alternative payment account details. Upon submission of your card information, we retain the cardholder's name and address, expiry date, and the last four digits of the credit card number. It's important to note that we do not store the actual credit card number. For expedited processing of subsequent payments, with your explicit consent, we may store your credit card information or other payment details in an encrypted format within the secure servers of our Payment Gateway Service Providers.

  • Testimonials: In the event that you grant us permission to publish testimonials regarding our products and services on websites, your name and additional personal information may be included in the testimonial. Prior to publication, you will have the opportunity to review and endorse the testimonial. Should you desire to revise or delete your testimonial, you may contact us at [email protected].

  • Interactions with Xbesh: We may document, assess, and utilize your engagements with us, encompassing email, telephone, and chat discussions with our sales and customer support personnel, to enhance our interactions with you and other customers.

Information that we collect automatically
  • Information from browsers, devices, and servers: Upon visiting our websites, we gather data made accessible by web browsers, mobile devices, and servers, including internet protocol addresses, browser types, language preferences, time zones, referring URLs, access dates and times, operating systems, mobile device manufacturers, and mobile network information. These details are incorporated into our log files to gain insights into visitors to our websites.

  • Information from cookies and tracking technologies: We employ both temporary and permanent cookies to identify users of our services and enhance user experiences. Unique identifiers are embedded in our downloadable products to monitor product usage. Additionally, we utilize cookies, beacons, tags, scripts, and similar technologies to identify visitors, track website navigation, gather demographic information, assess the effectiveness of email campaigns, and engage visitors and users through targeted tracking of activities on our websites. Primarily, we utilize first-party cookies and refrain from using third-party cookies or other non-essential or intrusive tracking technologies on our websites. Further details about the cookies used on our websites can be found here. Additionally, information regarding Xbesh's stance against non-essential and intrusive third-party cookies and tracking technology can be accessed here. We also employ first-party Local Storage Objects (LSOs), such as HTML5, to store content information and preferences, facilitating the provision of specific features.

  • Information from application logs and mobile analytics: We gather data pertaining to your utilization of our products, services, and mobile applications through application logs and proprietary usage analytics tools. This information is analyzed to comprehend how your usage patterns and requirements can contribute to the enhancement of our products. The collected data encompasses interactions such as clicks, scrolls, accessed features, access times and frequencies, generated errors, performance metrics, utilized storage, user settings and configurations, as well as details about devices used for access and their respective locations.

Information that we collect from third parties
  • Signups using federated authentication service providers: It is possible to access Xbesh Services by logging in through supported federated authentication service providers like LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Google. These services will verify your identity and provide you with the choice to disclose specific personal information to us, such as your name and email address.

  • Referrals: In the event that someone has recommended any of our products or services to you via one of our referral programs, that individual may have supplied us with your name, email address, and additional personal information. To request the removal of your information from our database, you may contact us at [email protected]. If you furnish us with information about another person, or if another person provides us with your information, we will exclusively utilize that information for the precise purpose for which it was conveyed to us.

  • Information from our reselling partners and service providers: In the event that you reach out to any of our reselling partners or express interest in our products or services through them, the reselling partner may transmit your name, email address, company name, and additional information to Xbesh. If you participate in or attend an event sponsored by Xbesh, the event organizer may share your information with us. Xbesh may also obtain information about you from review sites if you provide comments on any reviews of our products and services, as well as from other third-party service providers engaged for marketing our products and services.

  • Information from social media sites and other publicly available sources: When you furnish feedback or reviews regarding our products, or engage with us on marketplaces, review sites, or social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram through posts, comments, questions, and other interactions, we may collect publicly available information, including profile details. This allows us to establish a connection with you, enhance our products, gain insights into user reactions and issues, or publish your feedback on our websites. It is essential to note that once gathered, this information may persist with us even if you delete it from these sites. Xbesh may also supplement and update information about you from other publicly available sources.

Purposes for using information

In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we may use your information for the following purposes

  • To communicate with you (e.g., via email) regarding products you have downloaded and services you have subscribed to, updates to this Privacy Policy, modifications to the Terms of Service, or essential notifications.

  • To keep you informed about new products and services, upcoming events, promotions, offers, and other information that we believe may be of interest to you.

  • To invite you to participate in surveys or seek feedback on our products and services.

  • To establish and manage your account, and fulfill all necessary requirements for delivering our services, including facilitating collaboration, providing website and email hosting, and safeguarding the backup and restoration of your data.

  • To comprehend how users utilize our products and services, monitor and prevent issues, and enhance our products and services.

  • To offer customer support, evaluate and enhance our interactions with customers.

  • To identify and prevent fraudulent transactions and other illicit activities, report spam, and safeguard the rights and interests of Xbesh, Xbesh's users, third parties, and the public.

  • To update, expand, and analyze our records, identify new customers, and offer products and services that may be of interest to you.

  • To analyze trends, administer our websites, and track visitor navigation to comprehend visitor preferences and provide better assistance.

  • To monitor and refine marketing campaigns and offer pertinent suggestions to users.

Legal bases for collecting and using information

Legal processing bases applicable to Xbesh: If you are an individual from the European Economic Area (EEA), the legal foundation for the collection and utilization of information by Xbesh depends on the specific personal information and the circumstances under which it is collected. The majority of our information collection and processing activities are generally predicated on (i) contractual necessity, (ii) one or more legitimate interests of Xbesh or a third party, provided they do not override your data protection interests, or (iii) your consent. On certain occasions, there may be a legal obligation compelling us to collect your information, or it may be necessary to gather your personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another individual.

Withdrawal of consent: In instances where we hinge on your consent as the legal basis, you possess the right to withdraw your consent at any time; however, such withdrawal will not impact any processing that has already occurred.

Legitimate interests notice: In cases where we depend on legitimate interests as the legal basis, and these legitimate interests are not explicitly outlined above, we will expressly elucidate to you what those legitimate interests entail at the point of information collection.

Your choice in information use

Opt-out of non-essential electronic communications: You retain the option to opt out of receiving newsletters and other non-essential messages by utilizing the 'unsubscribe' functionality embedded in all such communications. Nonetheless, essential notices and emails, including account notification emails (e.g., password changes, renewal reminders), security incident alerts, security and privacy update notifications, and crucial transactional and payment-related emails will still be delivered to you.

Disable cookies: It is within your discretion to disable browser cookies prior to visiting our websites. However, please be aware that doing so may hinder your ability to properly utilize certain features of the websites.

Optional information: You have the freedom to abstain from providing optional profile information, such as your photo. Additionally, you can delete or modify your optional profile information at any time. It is entirely at your discretion to refrain from completing non-mandatory fields when submitting any form linked to our websites.

Who we share your information with

All Xbesh group entities listed here have access to the information covered in Part I. We do not engage in the sale of personal information. The sharing of your information is limited to the methods described in this Privacy Policy and solely with parties who implement appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

Employees and independent contractors: Employees and independent contractors of relevant Xbesh group entities access the information covered in Part I on a need-to-know basis. All employees and independent contractors of Xbesh group entities are required to adhere to this Privacy Policy concerning personal information shared with them.

Third-party service providers: It may be necessary to share your personal information, along with aggregated or de-identified information, with third-party service providers engaged by us, such as marketing and advertising partners, event organizers, web analytics providers, and payment processors. These service providers are authorized to utilize your personal information solely for the purpose of providing services to us.

Domain registrars: Upon registering a domain through Xbesh from domain name registrars, we disclose your name and contact information, including your physical address, email address, and phone number, to them in accordance with the ICANN domain registration rules.

Reselling partners: Your personal information may be shared with our authorized reselling partners in your region, strictly for the purpose of contacting you regarding products you have downloaded or services you have signed up for. You will be provided with an option to opt out of further collaboration with that partner.

Marketplace application developers: Upon installing or purchasing any application developed using Xbesh's APIs that is featured on Xbesh’s online marketplace, your name and email address will be shared with the developer of the application. This facilitates direct engagement with you as the user of that application or service. Xbesh does not govern the utilization of your personal information by developers, as it is contingent on their respective privacy policies.

Other cases: Additional circumstances in which we may disclose the information outlined in Parts I and II are delineated in Part III.

Your rights with respect to information we hold about you as a controller

If you are in the European Economic Area (EEA), you possess the following rights concerning the information held by Xbesh. Xbesh commits to affording you these rights, irrespective of your chosen place of residence.

Right to access: You retain the right to access (and receive a copy of, if necessary) the categories of personal information that we retain about you. This includes details about the information's origin, purpose, processing duration, and parties with whom the information is shared.

Right to access: You retain the right to access (and receive a copy of, if necessary) the categories of personal information that we retain about you. This includes details about the information's origin, purpose, processing duration, and parties with whom the information is shared.

Right to rectification: You have the right to update or rectify any inaccuracies in the information we hold about you. Depending on the purpose for which your information is utilized, you can instruct us to include supplementary information about you in our database.

Right to erasure: In certain circumstances, such as when the information is no longer necessary for its original purpose, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information.

Right to restriction of processing: You may have the right to request restrictions on the use of your information in specific situations. This applies, for example, when you object to our use of your data, but we need to verify whether we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue using it.

Right to data portability: You possess the right to transfer your information to a third party in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided the information is processed with your consent or by automated means.

Right to object: You have the right to object to the use of your information in certain situations, such as its use for direct marketing purposes.

Right to complain: You retain the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority if you have concerns about how we collect, use, or share your information. This right may not be applicable if there is no supervisory authority overseeing data protection in your country.

Retention of information

We preserve your personal information for the duration necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. On occasion, we may retain your information for extended periods as allowed or mandated by law. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining suppression lists, preventing abuse, meeting legal claim or proceeding requirements, enforcing agreements, for tax and accounting purposes, or to fulfill other legal obligations. Upon the cessation of a legitimate need to process your information, we will proceed to either delete or anonymize your information from our active databases. Additionally, we will securely store the information and segregate it from further processing on backup discs until the point of deletion becomes feasible.

Part II – Information that Xbesh processes on your behalf

This section addresses how Xbesh manages data entrusted to Xbesh when users utilize our products and services, or when they disclose any personal or confidential information while seeking customer support.

Information entrusted to Xbesh and purpose

Information provided in connection with services: You may entrust information that you or your organization (“you”) control, to Xbesh in connection with the utilization of our services or for soliciting technical support for our products. This encompasses information regarding your customers and your employees (if you are a controller) or data that you possess and utilize on behalf of another individual for a specific purpose, such as a customer to whom you provide services (if you are a processor). The data may be stored on our servers when you use our services or transferred or shared with us as part of a request for technical support or other services.

Information from mobile devices: When you opt to grant permission, certain of our mobile applications may access the camera, microphone, call history, contact information, photo library, files, and other information stored on your mobile device. Such access is essential for our applications to deliver their services. Likewise, when you choose to provide access, location-based information is also gathered for purposes including, but not limited to, identifying nearby contacts or establishing location-based reminders. This information will be exclusively shared with our mapping providers and used solely for mapping user locations. You retain the ability to disable the mobile applications' access to this information at any time by adjusting the settings on your mobile device. The data stored on your mobile device and their location information, accessible to the mobile applications, will be utilized within the framework of the mobile application. It may be transferred to and associated with your account in the corresponding services (in which case the data will be stored on our servers) or products (in which case the data will remain with you unless you choose to share it with us).

(All the information entrusted to Xbesh is collectively termed “service data”)

Ownership and control of your service data

We acknowledge that you own your service data. We afford you complete control over your service data by granting you the ability to (i) access your service data, (ii) share your service data through supported third-party integrations, and (iii) request export or deletion of your service data.

How we use service data

We process your service data when you provide us instructions through the various modules of our services. For instance, when you generate an invoice using our invoicing service, information such as the name and address of your customer will be utilized to generate the invoice. Similarly, when you utilize our campaign management service for email marketing, the email addresses of the individuals on your mailing list will be employed for sending the emails.

Push notifications

If you have enabled notification on our desktop and mobile applications, we will push notifications through a push notification provider such as Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging, or Windows Push Notification Services. You can manage your push notification preferences or deactivate these notifications by turning off notifications in the application or device settings.

Who we share service data with

Xbesh group and third-party sub-processors: To provide services and technical support for our products, the contracting entity within the Xbesh group engages other group entities and third parties.

Collaborators and other users: Some of our products or services allow you to collaborate with other users or third parties. Initiating collaboration may enable other collaborators to view some or all of your profile information. For example, when you edit a document that you have shared with other persons for collaboration, your name and profile picture will be displayed next to your edits to allow your collaborators to know that you made those edits.

Third-party integrations you have enabled: Most of our products and services support integrations with third-party products and services. If you choose to enable any third-party integrations, you may be allowing the third party to access your service data and personal information about you. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of the third-party services and products before you enable integrations with them.

Other cases: Other scenarios in which we may share information that are common to information covered under Parts I and II are described in Part III.

Retention of information

We retain the data in your account for the duration of your usage of Xbesh Services. Upon termination of your Xbesh user account, your data will be systematically removed from the active database during the subsequent cleanup, occurring once every 6 months. Data removed from the active database will be permanently deleted from backups within 3 months.

Data subject requests

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area and believe that we store, use, or process your information on behalf of one of our customers, please reach out to the customer for inquiries related to accessing, rectifying, erasing, restricting, or objecting to processing, or exporting your personal data. We will collaborate with our customer to respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

Part III – General

This section encompasses matters pertinent to both Sections I and II, as well as other overarching subjects such as Xbesh's security commitments and how we will provide notification in the event of changes to this Privacy Policy.

Children’s personal information

Our products and services are not intended for individuals under the age of 16. Xbesh does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16 years of age for its own purposes. If we become aware that a child under 16 has provided us with personal information, we will take necessary steps to delete such information. If you believe that a child under 16 has provided personal information to us, please contact [email protected] with the details, and we will take the required actions to delete the information we hold about that child. However, by using our products, you may collect information about individuals who may be children. If you process information related to children, you acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for complying with the applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of such personal information.

How secure is your information

At Xbesh, we prioritize data security with utmost seriousness. We have obtained certifications for industry standards outlined here. To ensure the protection of the information you entrust to us, we have implemented rigorous administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, or destruction of your data. If you have any concerns regarding the security of your data, we invite you to review our Security Policy or reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions.

Data Protection Officer

We have designated a Data Protection Officer to supervise the management of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you have any inquiries or concerns about our privacy practices concerning your personal information, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to [email protected] or by writing to: Data Protection Officer, Xbesh Corporation BV, Beneluxlaan 4B, 3527 HT Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Locations and International Transfers

We disclose your personal information and service data within the Xbesh Group and to third parties engaged by Xbesh Group for the purposes outlined above. By accessing or using our products and services or otherwise providing personal information or service data to us, you acknowledge that the processing, transfer, and storage of your personal information or Service Data may occur within the United States of America, the European Economic Area (EEA), and other countries where Xbesh operates. Such transfers are governed by appropriate data protection agreements, including a group company agreement based on the EU Commission’s Model Contractual Clauses for data processing activities falling under the scope of GDPR. For a copy of the agreements underlying the transfer of your data within the Xbesh Group and to third parties engaged by us, you may contact [email protected].

Data Processing Addendum

To facilitate your adherence to your data protection obligations, we are willing to execute a suitable Data Processing Addendum (DPA). You can obtain a DPA from Xbesh by completing this form. Upon receipt of your request, we will provide the DPA for your review and signature.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

To enhance productivity and predictive capabilities, Xbesh employs various technologies, including regex parsing, template matching, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. In alignment with Xbesh's commitment to respecting privacy and confidentiality expectations, we limit the use of service data for these technologies to the following: (i) utilizing anonymized crops of service data to enhance algorithm accuracy; and (ii) utilizing organization-specific data for developing models tailored to your organization. Our automation and artificial intelligence technologies primarily leverage our organization's data, encompassing internal communications, customer interactions, internal documents, and information from both free and paid external sources.

Do Not Track (DNT) requests

Certain internet browsers incorporate 'Do Not Track' (DNT) features, signalling websites you visit that you prefer not to be tracked. Presently, there is no universally accepted standard governing the actions websites should take upon receiving these signals. At this time, we do not undertake specific actions in response to these signals.

External links on our websites

Certain pages of our websites may include links to external websites not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you provide your personal information to any of these third-party sites, their respective privacy policies will govern your personal information. As a precautionary measure, we advise against sharing personal information with these third parties unless you have reviewed their privacy policies and ensured their adherence to sound privacy practices.

Blogs and forums

We offer publicly accessible blogs and forums on our websites. Please be aware that any information you provide on these blogs and forums may be used to contact you with unsolicited messages. We urge you to be cautious in disclosing personal information in our blogs and forums. Xbesh is not responsible for the personal information you elect to disclose publicly. Your posts and certain profile information may remain even after you terminate your account with Xbesh. To request the removal of your information from our blogs and forums, you can contact us at [email protected]

Social media widgets

Our websites feature social media widgets, such as Facebook "like" buttons and Twitter "tweet" buttons, allowing you to share articles and other content. These widgets might gather data, including your IP address and the pages you visit on the website, and may utilize cookies to ensure proper widget functionality. Your engagements with these widgets are subject to the privacy policies of the respective companies providing them.

Social Media Widgets

Our websites feature social media widgets, including Facebook "like" buttons and Twitter "tweet" buttons, enabling you to share articles and other information. These widgets might gather information, such as your IP address and the pages you visit on the website, and may use cookies for proper functionality. Your interactions with these widgets are subject to the privacy policies of the respective companies providing them.

Disclosures in Compliance with Legal Obligations

We may be obligated by law to preserve or disclose your personal information and service data to adhere to any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, including meeting national security requirements.

Enforcement of Our Rights

We may disclose personal information and service data to a third party if we believe that such disclosure is necessary for preventing fraud, spam filtering, investigating any suspected illegal activity, enforcing our agreements or policies, or protecting the safety of our users.

Business Transfers

We do not intend to sell our business. However, in the unlikely event that we sell our business or get acquired or merged, we will ensure that the acquiring entity is legally bound to honour our commitments to you. We will notify you via email or through a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or in the uses of your personal information and service data. We will also notify you about any choices you may have regarding your personal information and service data.

Compliance with this Privacy Policy

We exert diligent efforts, including periodic reviews, to ensure that the personal information you furnish is utilized in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you harbour any apprehensions regarding our adherence to this Privacy Policy or the manner in which your personal information is employed, please communicate with us at [email protected]. We will promptly engage with you and, if necessary, collaborate with the relevant regulatory authorities to effectively redress your concerns.

Notification of Changes

We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Policy at any time, with notification provided through a service announcement or via email to your primary email address. In the event of significant changes to the Privacy Policy that impact your rights, you will receive a notification at least 30 days in advance of the changes sent to your primary email address. However, if you have not verified your email address, you may miss crucial notifications sent via email. Should you believe that the updated Privacy Policy affects your rights concerning the use of our products or services, you have the option to terminate your use by sending us an email within 30 days. Your continued use after the effective date of changes to the Privacy Policy will be construed as your acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy. Minor changes to the Privacy Policy may not trigger email notifications. If you are apprehensive about the use of your personal information, it is advisable to periodically check www.xbesh.com